888-776-0942 from 8 AM - 10 PM ET
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. , April 19, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- CAMO® EDGEXMETAL® Clips, part of the CAMO system of innovative deck fastening products, has won the 2021 Fastener Innovation Award from Worldwide Fastener Sources. The annual Fastener Innovation Awards highlight the groundbreaking technology influencing the future of the fastener industry.
"We're honored to be named as a winner of the Fastener Innovation Awards," said W. Scott Baker , CEO, National Nail. "With softwood prices at an all-time high, EDGEXMETAL Clips make the transition to building decks with metal framing faster and easier for contractors."
Engineered to fasten grooved deck boards at any angle, EDGEXMETAL Clips deliver a one-pass fastening solution for metal framing. Utilizing the same technology as CAMO's EDGEX® Clips for wood frames, revolutionary EDGEXMETAL Clips can easily be installed with a hand drill using the included NEVER-MISS™ Guide or up to 5X faster with the DRIVE™ stand-up deck fastening tool.
"The 2021 Fastener Innovation Awards recognized products that shape the future of the fastener industry," explained Mike McGuire , President of Worldwide Fastener Sources. "They show that innovation is an extremely powerful motivator that has continued the industry's growth despite the pandemic."
EDGEXMETAL Clips work with top manufacturer's deck boards at any angle on 14–18 Gauge metal framing and feature a drill point screw that engages quickly. The clips are available in 90ct and 450ct pails, which include T-15 driver bits, and the NEVER-MISS Guide. EDGEXMETAL Clips are backed by a CAMO warranty to match the longevity of the boards and substructure, when installed according to CAMO and the board manufacturer's guidelines.
To learn more about EDGEXMETAL Clips, visit http://www.camofasteners.com. See the list of Fastener Innovation Award winners at https://www.worldwidefastenersources.com/.
About CAMO CAMO exists to provide the best deck fastening installation experience for hardworking doers who take pride in their work and value their wallet. Whether you install decks for a living, offer to help build them with a buddy, or build just one in your lifetime, CAMO products save you time and ensure your work looks and performs as you expect it should. CAMO®. The Better Way to Build a Deck. For more information or to locate a dealer, visit camofasteners.com or call 1-800-968-6245. Be sure to "Like" @camofasteners on Facebook and @camodeckfasteners on Instagram. Search CAMO Fasteners on YouTube to find our channel or check us out on Pinterest.
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